by optiqpap_admin | Dec 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
The IMDEA Materials Institute has hosted the final face-to-face OptiQPAP project meeting. Partners have presented the latest results of their research within frame of the project. Preparation of the remaining deliverables, final project report and further dissemination of the OptiQPAP outcomes were discussed. The consortium members were also interviewed as part of a video shooting thought for giving visibility to the OptiQPAP project results.

by optiqpap_admin | Sep 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
The OptiQPAP members continue to actively disseminate the outcomes of the project. The researchers from TU DELFT have participated at the EUROMAT 2019 Congress in Stockholm on September 1-5, 2019. The EUROMAT is the premier international congress in the field of materials science and technology in Europe. Prof. Jilt Sietsma has given a talk on the analysis of deformation induced formation of martensite in a quenched and partitioned steel. Pablo Garcia Chao has presented a poster focused on the early fatigue crack propagation during cycling loading of a grade developed within frame of the OptiQPAP project.

(left) Prof. Jilt Sietsma is giving a talk, (right) Pablo Garcia Chao is presenting his poster at the EUROMAT 2019 Congress.
by optiqpap_admin | Aug 27, 2019 | Uncategorized
The OptiQPAP consotium members have participated at the Seventh Conference on Recrystallization and Grain Growth (, which took place in Ghent (Belgium) on 4-9th of August, 2019. Prof. Roumen Petrov from University of Ghent and Prof. Jilt Sietsma from TU Delft were among the organizers of the event. Significant amount of presentations focused on the evolution of microstructure and properties of advanced high strength steels (AHSS). Dr. Ali Smith from CSM gave a talk on the effect of niobium on austenite evolution during hot rolling of AHSS based on the outcomes of the OptiQPAP project.

Dr. Ali Smith is presenting at the REXGG’2019 Conference.
by optiqpap_admin | Jun 24, 2019 | Uncategorized
The meeting was organized by Dr. Carola Celada and Dr. Piet Kok. Project partners presented and discussed their OptiQPAP-related research activities within last 6 months. The research plans for the final 6 months of the project were updated.
by optiqpap_admin | Feb 15, 2019 | Uncategorized
Consortiums of three RFCS-funded projects (OptiQPAP, TOOLKIT and MuSTMeF) have actively participated in the cross-project Workshop OpTOMuST organized by Dr. Piet Kok (TATA Steel) and Prof. Leo Kestens (University of Ghent) on February 11-13, 2019 in Ghent. The participants had an opportunity to present and discuss their research activities in the area of development and optimization of advanced high strength steels. The OptiQPAP project was presented by two talks. Presentation of Dr. Ilchat Sabirov (IMDEA) focused on development of thermo-mechanical processing routes and quenching and partitioning process to optimize quenched and partitioned steels for industrial applications with the emphasis laid on their in-use properties. Another talk given by Dr. Carola Celada (TU Delft) was mainly focused on modelling of quenching and partitioning steels to predict their properties and to design the optimal microstructures with desired mechanical properties. The event was preceded by a regular OptiQPAP face-to-face project meeting. The consortium partners presented and discussed the recent outcomes of their research activities within frame of the OptiQPAP project and updated activities for the next six months.
Photos: Presenters and participants during OpToMuST Workshop.

by optiqpap_admin | Jul 16, 2018 | Uncategorized
The OptiQPAP consortium members have participated at the THERMEC 2018 Conference, which was held on July 8-13 in Paris. THERMEC Conference is the main international event in the area of thermo-mechanical processing of steels. The recent outcomes of the OptiQPAP project were presented in oral talks and posters. Presentations focused on the role of alloying elements in microstructure evolution in steels developed for quenching and partitioning (Q&P) process, on modelling of mechanical behaviour of Q&P steels and their functional properties.

OptiQPAP consortium members presenting at the THERMEC 2018 Conference.
From left to right: Dr. Carola Celada (TUDELFT), Pablo Garcia Chao (IMDEA), Dr. Ali Smith (CSM).
by optiqpap_admin | Jun 28, 2018 | Uncategorized
The 4th OptiQPAP progress meeting was hosted by the University of Gent (Gent, Belgium) on 15th of June, 2018. Project partners presented and discussed their research activities in frame of the OptiQPAP project within last 6 months. The future research plans and dissemination activities were updated. The participants enjoyed guided tour over state-of-the-art laboratory for high strain rate testing of materials and other research facilities of the University.

Consortium members in the laboratory of high strain rate testing.
by optiqpap_admin | May 30, 2018 | Uncategorized
The OptiQPAP project has successfully undergone mid-term review by the Research Fund for Coal Steel. The mid-term report of the OptiQPAP project was approved by the Committee after the evaluation that took place on April 27 at the CSM headquarters (Rome).
by optiqpap_admin | May 10, 2018 | Uncategorized
The OptiQPAP consortium members have been invited to organize a Special Issue ‘Advanced high strength steels by quenching and partitioning‘ in the open-access journal Metals, which belongs to the Q1 journals in the area of Metallurgy. The main objectives of this Special Issue are to disseminate the recent developments in application of quenching and partitioning heat treatment to processing of third generation advanced high strength steels and to facilitate a more intense development in this field of research. The Special Issue welcomes research articles and reviews addressing theoretical and experimental design of steels and quenching and partitioning process, microstructure of quenched and partitioned steels, their mechanical and performance properties, quenching and partitioning process – microstructure – properties relationship, as well as examples of their industrial applications. It is oriented to researchers from universities and industrial research centers and to steel producers directly involved in the production and product development. The deadline for submission of papers is set to September 30, 2019. The manuscripts can be submitted on-line via link
by optiqpap_admin | Jan 24, 2018 | Uncategorized
The 3rd OptiQPAP progress meeting was held on 24th of January, 2018, at the CTM headquarters (Manresa, Spain). The meeting was organized by Toni Lara. Project partners presented and discussed their research activities in frame of the OptiQPAP project within last 6 months, as well as preparation of the first midterm report. The research plans for the next 6 months were updated.
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